Wednesday past by in sort of a blur. Lauren stayed home from school, and that really set me off track. When one of my sisters are off, I feel like I should be off as well, so I slack of on the school. Not very good. Then you have an over load the next day. And since I was off track Lauren and I watched an old 1930's movie- Roberta. Starring Irene Dunne, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rodgers, and another guy. Forgot his name. It was really cute, and was about a dress shop, whose owner died, and left to her nephew. Anyways I will not ruin it for you, but I would recommend it. Plus it had adorable clothes, lots of dancing and much much more!
We had tons (only two, but that was plenty!) of repair men at our house yesterday. In general, I do not like repair men. Especially plumbers. Icky. They ALWAYS wear their pants really low, have tons of tattoos, and smoke.
So after they left, my mom Lauren, and I went to Tar-Jay. LOVE that place! I was in search of some Pajamas. I had been eyeing some on line, but it said they were not at the store. I was really disappointed. But I did find some blue fishy Pj's that are pretty cute. We looked at the clock and noticed we were late for Wednesday night church, so we had to leave. As we were getting inside the car Lauren said "Why didn't you get the green Pajamas you wanted?" "They didn't have them." "yes they did" "WHAT!" but we had to leave and I couldn't get them.
After church we went back to Target and I exchanged them!! YIPPEE!!! I don't know if you an tell in this picture, but they are pink and green with birds and bird cages all over them. I am super excited. (don't ask me why;)
I found this swimsuit, I really like it! love the retro old fashioned-ness of it all.
Today, I was finishing up school and packing for my over night trip. I am really excited and hope it will go well. Please pray for me!
I made some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies several minutes ago, and they are cooling right now. lately I have been very hungry for something sweet. ;)
§ i don't know what I pressed but this swirly thing is pretty cool! ;) he he. I am easily amused...
I AM READY FOR SPRING! I am ready for flowers-
I am ready for spring
I am ready for
Swimming- Good GRIEF! I just googled "swimming" heres what came up-
Just a regular swimming day in- Japan. I could never handle this.
And I am ready for O so much more, only I need to go to my cake decorating class!